Steve Yudicky, Dynalon Product manager will be exhibiting later this week at the 2009 CAST Conference in Galveston, TX. Please visit the Dynalon booth to sample our line of economical education plastic labware.
First Time Attendees are encouraged to go to a special First Timers Coffee event, sponsored by Sargent-Welch, OHAUS, the Dana Center, and Science Kit, on Thursday from 7-8 AM in Moody Gardens Salon D. At the event, you will receive invaluable information about how to make the most of your time in Galveston.
SPEAKERS - There are 3 Featured Speakers this year: Mary Manheim, a forensic anthropologist; Mike Everhart, a paleontologist; and Bernard Harris, an astronaut. Speaker presentations take place on Thursday and Friday and are available to all conference participants at no additional cost. Brief speaker bios and presentation times are available on the speaker page on the CAST website.
STRANDS - The printed conference program will identify different groups of programs as being affiliated with a particular topic or strand. These strand programs are open to all, but are labeled with Strand Name Presents: to help you identify their connection to other programs within the same theme. Strands may include workshops, short courses, field trips, and luncheons.
This year's strands include:
This year's strands include:
ACT2 - Associated Chemistry Teachers of Texas
ISEA - Informal Science Education Association
TABT - Texas Association of Biology Teachers
TCES - Texas Council of Elementary Science
TESTA - Texas Earth Science Teachers Association
TMEA - Texas Marine Education Association
TSELA - Texas Science Education Leadership Association
All fee-based programs (i.e. Short Courses, Field Trips, Luncheons) can be selected during online registration and will be added to your registration fee. However, if you don't decide on one of these until later, you will still have the opportunity to register and pay at the conference. Just keep in mind, participation in all programs is first come, first served and spaces are limited.
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