In the current business environment it is quite common to be bought and sold which can cause some frustration and uncertainty but that is not the case with our most recent sale. We are ready to start fresh with a new approach to the market, instituting the small changes (like this blog for instance) to get in touch with our ever growing internet customer base.
Dynalab Corp. is a company in Rochester, NY that sells reusable plastic lab supplies, single use plastic labware and science equipment along with the added capabilities of onsite custom plastic fabrication.
Basically, we are your one stop shop for laboratories, industry and education.
So why the blog you ask? We already have a rather extensive website so this is our avenue to communicate better with the visitors to our site. We invite you to leave comments about the site, questions about our products or even a quick hello from the dedicated customers we have been fortunate to work with over our past 50 years in business. Should you have an immediate question we always invite you to e-mail or phone us at 800-828-6595 between 8m and 5pm EST.
That's right, 50 years! We have had a couple different locations and owners but still stand strong in our Rochester, NY location ready to serve the plastic lab supply market with current customers all over the world.
We realize this blog is started a few days early of our fresh start but we want to make sure everything is in place. Thank you for visiting our blog and we look forward to opening the lines of commnunications going forward!
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