Dynalon Labware is the wholesale division of Dynalab Corp. Located in Rochester, NY Dynalon specializes in plastic lab supplies, sampling apparatus and science equipment. We invite you to leave comments about the website, questions about Dynalon products or even a quick hello from the dedicated customers we have been fortunate to work with over our past 60 years in business.
Overstock, a problem at every company especially a master distributor
The story starts with a customer that suddenly can't get enough of a product you previously sold minimally. This goes great for maybe a year or if you are lucky longer. MRP screams at the buyer, we NEED these! Stock is kept on hand to make sure the newly valuable business remains happy. THEN...
The orders stop, no notice, no explanation just cease and desist. Unfortunately this can take a month or 2 to realize so more stock comes in while little to none goes out.
Before you know it, the most popular item in the warehouse is suddenly stocked at 10 years or better! That takes a lot of overstock sales to regain control. That's where we are right now on this 100 mL Azlon Square Ratio PP Beaker. So long as you don't need more than 15,000 of these little beauties, please feel free to MAKE US AN OFFER we can't refuse!
This is a time of joy and excitement, a break from the daily grind, unless you are the unlucky people still at work trying to cover all the bases! Next week is spring break for schools in glorious Rochester, NY. The time of year where kids run wild and adults make the decision to spend 3 times as much on airfare or drive way too far in one day to escape the early Spring blues.
Under normal circumstances, Dynalab Corp. is like a well oiled machine where although most people play more than one part, it all comes together for superior service to our customers. In a small company, such is life and we enjoy the challenges. Then comes vacation season and the world explodes, or so it feels like. You are convinced that at full staff it's just never this busy!
The real question then becomes does our company run lean or is it sometimes just luck? Well for the week we just completed we were a lean mean fighting machine coming together to cover a key customer service employee's absence in the beginning of what is our busiest time of the year. To add to the fun, I spent a good part of the week in our final ERP Review meetings so they were essentially cover for two people. The luck comes in when somehow our shortage matches everyone else's and it's quiet enough to survive. Better luck next week...or so I hope!
School spring break next week being combined with a regular holiday on Friday has the vacation request sheets flying in the door! I am hoping for a nice combination of lean and luck to get through four days of business. We have a great team that is dedicated to our customer's satisfaction. The difference for next week is that the same CSR is out again but I am breaking one of my own rules and heading out for a few days too. The only difference is that the laptop and Blackberry that enjoy my vacations.
#plasticbeaker is so cool (now hit the Like) button or better yet leave a comment!
As a company that deals with both distributors and end users one would think we should be jumping all over this social media craze. Which I must admit there have been efforts put into evaluating if it's a good fit but for our company but that's about it at this point. When I started this blog a number of year's back it was at the suggestion of an internet marketing consultant. He said it would connect us directly to our customer base allowing a more personal interaction.
Not that I have been a saint at blogging but as you can see, there have been attempts lately to keep it more active...and personal. There was a time this space was used for sales announcements. That seems redundant to the Dynalab Corp. website. Back to the more personal area, isn't that how most of us use our social media sites like Facebook and Twitter? I know that's the case for me anyways. It's a way to connect with friends and family...but then again I am in my late 30's! I do follow a few business but they are mainly focused on things I enjoy like hotels where I vacation, restaurants that I enjoy and Barnes and Noble so I can keep up with Nook offerings.
As you know, Dynalab Corp. sell plastic lab supplies, custom plastic fabrication and basic science equipment. Maybe people that really enjoy their jobs using our products would be interested in following this type of a company. It's hard to comprehend but entirely possible. This is one of those topics that requires a lot more thought before launching excessive time and efforts into tweets about plastic beakers!