Steve Yudicky, Dynalon Product manager will be exhibiting later this month at the 114th Annual STANYS Conference in Rochester, NY. Please visit the Dynalon booth to sample our line of economical education plastic labware.
The theme of this year’s Conference is “Making Connections.” Workshops and collegial networking opportunities will help teachers of science make connections with teachers from all levels of science teaching and all types of educational institutions, among the sciences and between science and math and technology, with corporations and non-profit institutions involved with science education, and with representatives of organizations like the New York State Education Department, the National Science Teachers Association, and other professional teacher associations within and from outside of New York State.
Our featured and invited speakers this year are exceptional people from the world of science. They include Dr. Spencer Wells, a renowned geneticist and anthropologist, and an Explorer-in-Residence at the National Geographic Society. Dr. Wells leads The Genographic Project, and has produced several fascinating and educational National Geographic program videos. Jerome Ringo in 2005 became the Chairperson of the Board of the National Wildlife Federation as well as the first African American to lead a major conservation organization. He is currently President of the Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labor, environmental, business, and civil rights leaders organized to free the United States of dependence on foreign oil. Invited speakers for the 2009 Conference include University at Albany Geologist Dr. John Delano, Princeton University Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dr. Laura Landweber and University of Rochester Astronomer Dr. Adam Frank.