Dynalon Labware is the wholesale division of Dynalab Corp. Located in Rochester, NY Dynalon specializes in plastic lab supplies, sampling apparatus and science equipment. We invite you to leave comments about the website, questions about Dynalon products or even a quick hello from the dedicated customers we have been fortunate to work with over our past 60 years in business.
Please take note Dynalab Corp. warehouse will be closed for inventory Wednesday, September 30th through Friday, October 2nd.
No materials will be available for shipping or receiving those days. Please call in urgent requests for shipping prior to 12:30 pm EST on Tuesday September 29th.
Customer Service will be available to take your calls and to process quotes or orders throughout inventory, We appreciate your understanding and will return to normal operating procedures Monday October 5th.
Dynalon Labware Product Manager Steve Yudicky will be attending the Third Annual Rochester Educator Collaboration Event on Tuesday October 6th from 7:30 am to 4 pm at the Rochester Museum & Science Center. This interactive event is for educators (kindergarten through college) who are interested in improving math and science learning at all levels. The purpose of the Collaboration Event is to enable networking among diverse Rochester area educators and to facilitate ongoing collaboration.
During this event you will:
Hear keynote speaker Dr. James Stigler, co-author of The Teaching Gap and The Learning Gap, and Director of the TIMSS Video Study.
Share with other K-16 educators as we collaborate for continual improvement of STEM education utilizing the tools of observation, analysis, discussion and reflection.
Learn about a variety of successful approaches to collaborating with your peers toward the continuous improvement of your own teaching practice.
Participate in a classroom observation provided by the Children’s School of Rochester, a book discussion and video study with Dr. James Stigler, or an interactive workshop on developing productive Professional Learning Communities.
Celebrate the success of your peers as we recognize the finalists of the 2009 Excellence in STEM Teaching Award, and announce the winner of the Ward’s Natural Science $10,000 Classroom Makeover.
Work Pac All-Purpose Wipes... are an effective, economical option to handle a variety of light duty jobs. Made with 100% recycled paper, these towels are absorbent and durable leaving a streak-free surface. Adept® Wipes... ideal for wiping applications requiring clean, delicate, low-lint performance. Soft, nonabrasive, low-lint virgin tissue wipes are single ply. Efficient wipe sizes in attractive usage-control dispenser boxes with lint-reducing, anti-static film covers. Tuff-Job scrim reinforced wipers... are the better choice for all-purpose wiping jobs where extra durability is needed; yet, cost effective. These wipers provide the best wipe-dry performance of any comparable disposable wiper, especially for glass and other smooth surfaces. Works well in grease and oil too! Like-Rags... are the ideal choice for applications that require resistance to solvents and virtually lint free wiping applying aircraft solvents, wiping down print presses or plates and solvents for furniture stains. Like-Rags® eliminate the waste and cost guess work associated with industrial rags. Dusterz®... d ry, pretreated anti-static dusting and cleaning cloths. Cloths are oil and silicone free, which means no oily residue left behind to stain documents, streak polished surfaces or create slippery spots on floors. Dry pretreatment reduces the use of aerosol, liquid cleaners and and chemicals which helps reduce dusting and cleaning time. Golden Dusters... are the perfect choice for multi-purpose dusting applications. Both towels contain a unique structure that is designed to be stretched before dusting, creating tiny dust catching pockets. Towels are specially treated to collect maximum amounts of dust without leaving any hazardous residue behind.