Dynalon Labware is the wholesale division of Dynalab Corp. Located in Rochester, NY Dynalon specializes in plastic lab supplies, sampling apparatus and science equipment. We invite you to leave comments about the website, questions about Dynalon products or even a quick hello from the dedicated customers we have been fortunate to work with over our past 60 years in business.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Renewing the Energy in Science Education

Thursday, November 13, 2008
STAO2008 Annual Conference

Visit Steve Yudicky from Dynalon at Booth #206
Steve Yudicky, Dynalon's Product Manager drove up earlier in the week (convenient with us being located in Rochester, NY). Dynalon will be presenting our plastic lab supplies and some of the Stuart equipment line.
The theme for this conference captures the intent to provide a conference featuring student-centred learning experiences and resources that address the most important science and technology-related issues facing society and the environment today. The release of the revised Science and Technology (Grades 1-8) curriculum, and the upcoming release of the Science (Grades 9-12) curriculum, with their much greater emphasis on Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE) requires us to address this critically important aspect with a comprehensive and research-supported approach.
As with all STAO conferences, you will be provided a comprehensive and balanced program with topics and issues related to all aspects of Science and Technology and Science education. Similarly, there will be a superb exhibitors section, featuring the latest and most helpful products and services related to providing high quality Science and Technology, and Science programs for the students we serve.
Promoting Excellence in Science Education through Leadership and Service
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
End slips in the home and lab...

Slip Stop Matting is an inventive product with numerous uses ranging from the laboratory to your pet's food dish! End unnecessary slips with one small piece. Slip Stop mats hold objects firmly in place without the need for permanent fixing or clamps. This contributes to safety by reducing breakages and easing stress at the workbench.
In laboratories, Slip Stop can be used on shakers and stirrers to hold flasks, test tubes etc. safe and secure without the need for clamps. The mats can also be used to provide added product stability and safety for your valuable instruments. On workbenches, Slip Stop will hold components and tools, making it easier to work on them and preventing dropping and spillage, thus reducing accidents, fatigue and loss of small components.
This month's special includes 25% off this matting but you can also receive a free 4" x 4" sample by contacting Dynalab Corp direct. This month's mailing to our loyal customers included this free sample as well as an announcement of the 25% savings for the month of November.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Dynalon full line catalog in 2009

Dynalon relies heavily on our loyal distributors to sell direct to the end users and this catalog introduces many new products that we hope will cause a buzz in the market.
Plans are for this catalog to be available in January of 2009 with the pricing structure set up to match the dealer price books. Dynalon distributors will automatically be mailed the updated catalog along with a form for additional requests.
Should you have any questions or would like to reserve additional copies of our new 2009 Dynalon full line catalog please e-mail dynaloninfo@dyna-labware.com.